Nov 11 2008

Harper’s in Your Email

Published by Brian at 5:39 pm under publishing, writing

The last page of every ink-on-paper issue of Harper’s (one of the three or four best magazines in English) is dedicated to a roundup of the month’s weird and bizarre news. The column (or whatever it is, as it defies genre and classification) amounts to a poem. I’m not sure folks realize, though, that Harper’s kicks out a Weekly Review via email, and you don’t even have to be a subscriber to get it. You can subscribe by sending an email here, or by going here and looking for the little box with a Go button next to it. Here’s a snip from this week’s Review:

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev warned Obama against continuing Bush’s plans for missile-defense systems in Eastern Europe and threatened to move short-range missiles into the Baltic near Poland and “to neutralize, when necessary” American installations there, but Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi insisted, “I don’t see problems for Medvedev to establish good relations with Obama who is also handsome, young, and suntanned.” The Secret Service revealed that a spike in death threats against the Obama family coincided with Sarah Palin’s attacks against Obama’s patriotism in the final weeks of the campaign, and McCain campaign insiders suggested that Palin lacked rudimentary understanding of civics and geography. “Those guys,” Palin said, “are jerks.”

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