Jul 14 2007


Published by Brian at 10:02 am under contributors, mp3, music

a musical offering by DJSkrotekkki

I’m not sure what all goes on in the mind of DJSkrotekkki, but it is surely wondrous strange. I’ll let him speak for himself:

I'm Too Sexy for My ShirtMy latest assault on the sonic front emerged from the trenches of a creative block. After countless months had come and gone without any progress being made on another music project, I thought something less demanding and more “fun” might un-jam the rifle, knock loose the crust of mud, blood, sweat, and grime that had accumulated on it during its time on the battlefield - something likeā€¦ a cover song. Being a fan of the sardonic, ironic, and just plain hilarious (and being unsure of my own vocal abilities), Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” seemed to be the perfect target. The fact that I’d had the idea in my iron sights for a while didn’t hurt either.

The song’s structure is such that I could throw all sorts of things into my rendition of it, providing an opportunity to experiment with a plethora of production tactics. And test my pipes.Honestly, I’m not sure how to gauge the vocal performance. Given the constraints (or were they restraints?) I was working within, I suppose they’re okay. After all, they are intended to be humorous and definitely succeed in that regard.

More work went into the music than I’m willing to admit - or type about. However, I will list the hardware and software used and abused during the (de)construction of the song: bass guitar/amp, guitar/amp, microphone, Goldwave and Fruityloops. I also sampled the kick from Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer”, drums and sounds from Skinny Puppy’s “Left Hand Shake”, various sounds from Microsoft Instruments, and of course, a Timothy Leary interview.

Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the battle.

And here’s DJSkrotekkki’s “I’m2Sexy” for your download and/or streaming pleasure.

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