Oct 06 2006

Nothing Succeeds Like Secession

Published by Brian at 11:25 pm under politics

Kirkpatrick Sales has a short piece on the First North American Secessionist Convention, which will be held this fall in Burlington, Vermont. Libertarians have had their eye on New Hampshire, while the usual suspects have been pushing for a reindependence movement in the South. Hawai’i, of course, was only conquered and annexed; Hawai’ians never agreed to joining the U.S. Many Alaskans feel the same way: when the vote for statehood came up in 1958 it was a simple up or down proposition; many Alaskans wanted an independent nation. I’ve long held that California should A) secede and B) split into two separate nations (NorCal should hook up with the seaboard areas of Oregon and Washington). Since I’ve lived in the Pacific Northwest, I’ve supported the notion of Columbia, a nation (or, some say, 51st state) comprised of bits of Northern Idaho, and the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington. Like Sales, I think it’s premature to say secession fever is sweeping the country, but it’s nice to see the idea getting at least some ventilation.

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