Apr 26 2006

Ava Lowery

Published by Brian at 2:00 pm under war, art, politics

Please check out 15-year-old media-activist Ava Lowery’s site, peacetakescourage.com. She’s visually articulate and very couragous. She’s also received some truly hateful responses to her work. One hate-monger wrote to her, threatening, “It’s people like you who need to fucking die and get raped while your corpse rots in the sun…. Fuck you, I would jack off on your parents if I could. If you don’t like the team, get out of the park. That means take ur small dick and get the fuck off of my homeland you faggot chocolate gulper.” A story about Ava, her work, and the respone to it (both positive and negative) can be found at The Progressive.

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